A Cockroach in Kumamoto

Aug 30, 2017 22:26
Today, I came to Kumamoto city, Kumamoto Prefecture, in order to participate in an academic conference that will be held tomorrow.

The distance from Tokyo to Kumamoto is around 1000 km, but I arrived within two hours by using an airplane.

Then, when I was about to ride a bus to Kumamoto city, I accidentally encountered my mentor -- he came from Nagano Prefecture for the same reason as me.

We talked a lot in the bus and ate dinner.

I was very lucky.

However, when I was doing my work at my hotel after dinner, I found a huge cockroach crawling around my feet.

Since I rarely see cockroaches, it was so terrifying.

I told it to a hotel worker, then my room was changed.








No. 1 Keeviant's correction
  • Today, I came to Kumamoto city, Kumamoto Prefecture, in order to participate in an academic conference that will be held tomorrow.
  • Today I went to Kumamoto city in Kumamoto Prefecture in order to participate in an academic conference that will be held tomorrow.
  • The distance from Tokyo to Kumamoto is around 1000 km, but I arrived within two hours by using an airplane.
  • The distance from Tokyo to Kumamoto is around 1000 km, but I arrived within two hours by airplane. Alternatively: The distance from Tokyo to Kumamoto is around 1000 km, but my flight only took two hours.
     The phrase "using an airplane" sounds more like you were the one piloting the plane. In English, we say we 'took a flight', or traveled 'by plane', or even that we 'flew'. It seems silly, I know. "I flew to Los Angeles" sounds like you're a bird! But that's a normal phrase in English.
  • Then, when I was about to ride a bus to Kumamoto city, I accidentally encountered my mentor -- he came from Nagano Prefecture for the same reason as me.
  • Then, when I was about to catch a bus to Kumamoto city, I bumped into my mentor -- he came from Nagano Prefecture for the same reason as me.Alternatively:Then, I bumped into my mentor as I was getting on the bus to Kumamoto city -- he came from Nagano Prefecture for the same reason as me.
     It sounds more natural to say you "bumped into" someone, when you are meeting them accidentally.

    Also, we use the word "catching" or "riding" when we're talking about traveling by bus. "I caught a bus to town."/"They caught the last bus for the day." "I rode the bus to school."/ "The bus ride was short."
  • We talked a lot in the bus and ate dinner.
  • We talked a lot on the bus and ate dinner.Alternatively:We talked a lot on the bus, and then we ate dinner.
     Again, we use different words for traveling by bus. (It also works for trains!)

    "in" is not incorrect, it just sounds a little odd.
  • I was very lucky.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, when I was doing my work at my hotel after dinner, I found a huge cockroach crawling around my feet.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since I rarely see cockroaches, it was so terrifying.
  • Since I rarely see cockroaches, it was terrifying.Alternatively: Since I rarely see cockroaches, I was terrified. // It was so terrifying since I rarely see cockroaches.
  • I told it to a hotel worker, then my room was changed.
  • I told a hotel worker, then my room was changed.Alternatively:I told a hotel worker, and then they changed my room.
Thank you so much for the corrections and helpful comment!
I learned something new (^^)